Saturday, April 26, 2008

First Modifications

Our very first modifications to the trailer included a mattress cover made out of upholstery material and fastened with elastic straps and velcro. This allows our trailer bed to be durable yet have a nice, neat appearance when "visitors" want to have a peek inside. When it's time to sleep we simply stretch out as many blankets as we need for the night and then fold them up at the foot of the bed come morning.

After the mattress cover was securely in place MJ made matching window coverings that hang down for privacy or can be rolled up and fastened under the valance to let in the light.

Rob made a great hanging platform for the computer that attaches under the shelf at the foot of the bed. Now we can surf the net, watch movies or check our email while we relax in style.

1 comment:

SuZQ said...

LOVE the computer shelf!!!