Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Ride Home

January 26th, 2008. Today our new trailer came home. Joe Mullett, the owner of Pleasant Valley Trailers is a minister who travels frequently. He very generously offered to pull our new trailer as far as Rosebush, Michigan. We made plans to meet him there and pick up our new trailer.

It was a chilly, cloudy day when we started out on the journey in the Red Ford Ranger. We were hoping to make it down there, hitch up, and make it back before the snow storm predicted for that night. Rob was excited.

MJ took fruit for the trip.

We waited eagerly in the Rosebush School parking lot for the van which was towing our trailer. MJ snapped this photo as the van went by.

The ride home was tricky due to the nasty snow storm that started while we were away. Just North of Grayling we ran into deep snow and slippery roads. Rob had to deal with whiteout conditions and semi truck drivers who were in a much bigger hurry than we were. There were definitely some white knuckle moments but we made it home unscathed. The first stop was the Whizzy Wash to knock the salt and snow off the trailer. She was looking pretty good after Rob took the power blaster to her. The warm water in the cold air made quite the fog.

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